Sunday 13 November 2011

Our Favourite Men on the Box!

If you did not know, your girlfriend (yes, even dear old Sibongile) probably is thinking about one of the men on the list below, while you read this article, at this very moment. If you have doubts; ask her...and watch her stutter. You have nothing to worry about though homey! The chances of your Sibongile meeting one of these hotties and being swept off her feet are probably one in a million. Take a look at what we think are the sexiest men on the box.

Yeah, yeah! That’s not his name but you know who we’re talking about. Don’t judge us. He might say "Es-tjooze me" instead of "Excuse me" on occasion. So what? At least he reminds us how human he is. We love how dapper he looks in an expensive business suit and how unafraid he is to go head to head with that not-so-good looking Kenneth Mashaba guy. Isn’t he adorable when he rolls around and plays with his daughter Christina and didn’t we all just smile when he made peace with Senzo after that whole Jason thing? Ntombi is one lucky woman! PS -What on earth possessed the Generations scriptwriters to name that poor child, Christina? Had they run out of Lerato’s, Thoko’s or Rethabile’s? Major Tjo moment! However, we’ll let it slide because we absolutely love how they have given us our daily dose of ‘street wise hunk in a suit’. Thatha Sibusiso Dlomo thatha!

Funnyman Trev!

We like a guy who can make us laugh. If he’s hot, then we know we’ve hit the jackpot. Whoever has hit the Trevor Noah lotto is one lucky woman. We cannot get enough of his dimpled smile, his awesome sense of humour and that caramel complexion of his. We cannot wait for the day someone or other decides to invite him to Swaziland. We would gladly stake out the airport and keep all the kingdom’s borders under surveillance so professionally, the FBI would be proud. We’d daywalk, nightwalk and generally everydaywalk with this cutie-pie. Anytime, any place.

Barack and the lady I'm about to drop-kick tltltl

Arguably one of the most powerful men in the free world and without a doubt one of the hottest world leaders out there, Barack has made watching White House press conferences a piece of cake for many women in the world. Gone are the days when we would fall asleep on the couch, looking really unfabulous, as Christiane Amanpour dissected US and International policies with ‘the other guy’, whose name we have forgotten. Now, we get stressed when CNN does not have a daily dose of our favourite medicine; a hot, steaming cup of ‘Yes We Can.’ Thanks to Barack, we are now able to wow our dates with info about the Air force One as well as Iran and its nuclear programme. Okay, maybe not. We love him anyway.
Trey, Trey, Trey! What are we going to do with you? Every time we catch a glimpse of this hottie, whether semi naked or fully clothed, we forget about the whole act like a lady thing. Yuup! Our favourite video by him right now is ‘Can’t be friends.’ We love freeze framing many, many scenes in that particular music video, especially the one scene where he seems to have ‘misplaced’ his t-shirt, or vest, or whatever it is. (We’re honestly always too busy checking him out to notice what he’s wearing.) Blessed with a gorgeous smile and beautiful eyes, he sets our hearts aflutter every time we see him. We’ll have one Trey on a tray, with a side of chips, please!

Zam and...she, who is supposed to be me! lol!

Yes, he’s taken and we cry everyday before we go to sleep over this. Nkhensani Manganyi, Founder and Chief Designer of the Stoned Cherrie label, is one lucky woman. We’d like to hate and say maybe he was ‘stoned’ when he got with her, but you know what, we’re not even going to hate. They are a match made in heaven. Smart, eloquent, creative and quick-witted, Zam Nkosi made us swoon all those years ago when he had ibob yema dreadlocks on Selimathunzi. To this day, he has a warm place in our hearts.

Just kidding! Hehehe! We wanted to see what you’d say!!


I am NOT a pervert!!!! lol!

Please forgive us for this one. We’re old and we feel very guilty about it. So let’s just say we’re adding him to the list for um...our 10 year old cousins (who probably can’t read...GREAT!) Here goes... We think Will and Jada’s son is absolutely gorgeous and we say this in the LEAST perverted way possible. He is such a little cutie-pie. Give him 6 years and he will be breaking many teenage hearts.

-By SereNgeti

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